It must have been a late spring evening and there was something going on at the school – likely either a dress rehearsal or a Stage 25 production. Maybe even an operetta. A blizzard blew in and it was cold and dark when 10 or 12 students climbed aboard a City transit bus heading home after the event was finished. Maybe the bus was full, I don’t remember but I am pretty sure it was all students. The bus started out and only went for about two blocks when the driver stopped. Visibility was so bad that he couldn’t see to drive. There we sat, at the top of Centre Street for a bit with wind howling and snow blowing.
We might still be sitting there if it wasn’t for the amazing action of one student. Don Sawatsky was an Army cadet and was dressed in full uniform. He was a big man. After talking to the driver – Don got off the bus and began walking in front of it. The bus, travelling very slowly followed Don picking him out in its headlights.
I think we stopped a couple of times so this brave young man could get on the bus and warm up but eventually the bus made it downtown and I, for one, waited on the corner of 8th Avenue and 1st Street west for my transfer to West Hillhurst. Seems to me that the weather had let up by them.
I wonder if anyone took the time to thank Don – I know that I didn’t. I would like to do so now – about 65 years later!